Wine torage Pricing Details
The wine storage fee is charged monthly and assumes a "regular-sized" 12 bottle box from the winery. Rates are adjusted for small and large boxes. For example, small boxes (for 1 to 6 bottles) are discounted $1.40/month. Large foam shippers are an extra $1.75/month (and up).
Clients with a short term storage need (< 3 months) may select any storage term length. Those storing longer are requested to select either a 3-, 6-, 12- or 24-month term. In either case, you may renew or revise your term as required. Storage fees are due in advance for the full storage term. You will be issued a credit for any case withdrawn within the pre-paid storage term, an amount equal to the unused pre-paid storage on that case. The storage fees are calculated by the day (not the month); therefore you only pay for exactly what you use. The credit is applied to your next renewal invoice, or refunded if you close your account. You can store any amount of wine for any length of time, however, a $350 minimum billing applies.
Clients with a short term storage need and/or no access requirements (i.e. Plan #1) pay only the monthly wine storage fee. Those requiring access (i.e. Plan #2) pay the monthly wine storage fee and a handling fee. The handling fee is a one-time charge applied to each case upon deposit of that case. Provided you stay within the limits of your plan, there is no charge to withdraw your wines.