Wine Delivery Service
We can transport your wines from the Fine Wine Reserve to your home (and vice versa), from one location to another, or pick up your orders from the LCBO.
Service is "cellar to cellar" meaning it includes our hauling the cases up/down stairs and directly from/to your cellar. The service is direct, meaning it's non-stop and quick. Your wines will arrive without experiencing a significant temperature change - generally less than three degrees Fahrenheit. The service also includes $500,000 insurance while in transit (higher limits available upon request).
Wine transport costs are: $75 + $6 per case (plus additions, if applicable)
add $1 / case - more than 15 steps up or down to the cellar
add $1 / case - distance between truck & cellar exceeds 50m
add $1 / case - cases stacked 3 or more times en route to cellar
add $ to base rate - outside Toronto (beyond 427, 401, or 48)