Ontario Vintner Series Tasting - Southbrook & Chadsey’s Cairns

Date: Sep 24/09, Thu     Time: 02:00:00-07:00:00     Style: Drop-In

Ontario Vintner Series - The Fine Wine Reserve played host to the Ontario Vintner Series. This was a six day tasting extravaganza - with each day featuring a different winery from both Prince Edward County and Niagara. In most cases, the winemaker/owners were on hand to guide our members through the wines and answer questions.

This series was an excellent opportunity to sample many different wines from a broad cross section of great producers. It’s no secret that Ontario is producing world-class wines, and this tasting series certainly confirmed that fact.

On this evening, we were pleased to host:
Southbrook www.southbrook.com
Chadsey’s Cairns www.bychadseyscairns.com

Special thanks goes out to Lindsay Groves (Ontario's 2007 Sommelier of the Year winner), who was kind enough to organize the event.

My father, John Russell, was one of the earliest proponents of Ontario and BC wines. Back in the late 70’s, it got to the point where only Canadian wines (mostly Riesling) were allowed in the house. A teenager then (and drinking beer), I thought he was nuts. But now I understand what he had discovered long ago – we have some really darn good wines. Although no longer with us, I know he would be very proud of this event.

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