FWR Wine Wednesday Meet-up - FWR

Date: Nov 28/18, Wed     Time: 17:30:00-19:00:00     Style: Drop-In

Each last Wednesday of each month is the Fine Wine Reserve Wine Wednesday Meetup!!

Let's Meet
Hosted by our Members themselves, the MEETUP is a simple after work get together. A casual drop-in event (BYOW) where members and their guests can mix and mingle with one another. We will also invite a special guest to come in and chat a bit about the world of wine.

Who May Attend
The event is open to all clients of the Fine Wine Reserve and their guests. Private Cellaring (i.e. wine locker) clients can let themselves into the Tasting Room for the event. Case Storage clients wanting to attend should contact Marc for entry instructions.

Special Guest
Galleon is a Canadian online boutique specializing in the importation and distribution of fine wines.

Contact info:
website: https://www.galleonwines.ca/
email: info@galleonwines.ca
phone: (416) 368-3344

As A Reminder...

Guest Management - Members are responsible for their guests and any alarms they may cause.
Cleaning Up – This is a member-run event - please clean up after yourselves: glasses into D/W (etc.), last one out turns ON the D/W and turns OFF the lights, A/C, etc.

Note: This is a drop-in event for FWR members and guests. RSVPs are not required (ignore link below). We look forward to seeing you!

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