H. Cuvelier & Fils Bordeaux Tasting - Marchands Des Ameriques

Date: Sep 16/19, Mon     Time: 17:30:00-19:30:00     Style: Drop-In

Mario Rios from H. Cuvelier & fils (Léoville Poyferré) will be with us to show different wines from Bordeaux (some already available in the market, others available in private import).

Here is a list of some wines we will be tasting from:
- Château Léoville Poyferré
- Pavillon de Léoville Poyferré
- Marquis de Calon Ségur
- Château Latour Martillac Blanc
- La Fleur de Pedesclaux
- Les Charmes de Kirwan

Please RSVP as we have limited wine allocations. We look forward to seeing you!

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