Southbrook Vineyards TriomphusTasting - John Hanna & Sons

Date: May 16/06, Tue     Time: 04:00:00-07:30:00     Style: Sit-Down

Southbrook Vineyards Triomphus Tasting - John Hanna & Sons present a vertical tasting of Southbrook Winery’s top shelf wines called the “Triomphus” series.

Owner Bill Redelmeier and winemaker Steve Byfield, hosted the event and took us through the following wines:

1998 Chardonnay Triomphus
2000 Chardonnay Triomphus
2002 Chardonnay Triomphus

1997 Cabernet/Merlot Triomphus
1998 Cabernet/Merlot Triomphus
2002 Cabernet/Merlot Triomphus

The Triomphus was served alongside a classic Burgundy and Bordeaux for comparison - the results quite revealing.

Most of the wines were poured from magnums at this sit down tutored tasting (held over two sessions). Everyone agreed that it was terrific to see how age-worthy Ontario’s wines can be, and that top shelf wines (reds included) are being produced from our very own backyards.

We also got a sneak peak at the plans for Southbrook’s new winery opening in Niagara this summer. Judging by the results from Richmond Hill, imagine what we’ll see from Niagara!

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