Taylor Fladgate Vintage Port Tasting - Whitehall Agencies

Date: Mar 09/06, Thu     Time: 05:00:00-06:30:00     Style: Sit-Down

Taylor Fladgate Vintage Port Tasting – Courtesy of our friends at Whitehall Agencies, Taylor Flatgate Partner and Vice Chairman Mr. Huyshe Bower arrived and took us through the fascinating history and tradition of Port wine, and Taylor’s role and significance as the very first wine grower in the Douro Valley.

Then our members sampled the newly released 2003 Vintage Ports from Taylor Fladgate, Croft and Delaforce followed by an aged Taylor Port (1991).

Mr. Bower was a very engaging speaker and everyone in attendance was clearly riveted. A wonderful evening and a perfect prelude to the Lustau Sherry tasting held the following evening.



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