Miner Family Winery Tasting - Profile Wine Group

Date: Sep 17/07, Mon     Time: 00:00:00-07:30:00     Style: Sit-Down

Miner Family Winery Tasting - Barrique/VinVino (now Profile Wine Group) hosted the Miner Family Winery.

This family owned winery, located in the heart of the Napa Valley, was founded in 1998 by Dave & Emily Miner along with Dave’s parents. The winery is defined first and foremost by a sensational portfolio of wines, wines consistently characterized by and committed to individualistic style and uncommon quality.

Jack Edwards, National Sales Director for Miner was our guest and guided us through two sit down tutored tastings where we sampled the following:

2005 Napa Valley Chardonnay
2005 Wild Yeast Chardonnay
2004 Oakville Cabernet Sauvignon
2003 The Oracle
2005 Sangiovese, Gibson Ranch



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