Ornellaia Wine Tasting - A Mini Vertical - Authentic Wine and Spirit Merchants

Date: Nov 26/13, Tue     Time: 03:00:00-05:00:00     Style: Drop-In

Ornellaia Wine Tasting - A Mini Vertical - On behalf of Authentic Wine and Spirits Merchants and Tenuta Dell'Ornellaia, our members were treated to an exclusive personal invitation to a unique tasting of the Ornellaia wines.

The 2010 vintage marked the 25th anniversary of Ornellaia. To celebrate this event, we were honoured to have Mr. Alessandro Lunardi from Tenuta Dell'Ornellaia on hand to meet and greet our members.

For this occasion, we featured a mini vertical tasting of 1998, 2001, 2005, 2007 vintages, as well as the 25th Anniversary 2010 vintage - a great opportunity for our members to taste the five different vintages and appreciate how these wines age and deliver.

A massive interest in this tasting among our members, and probably top 5 in terms attendance.



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